Crystal color meanings

Unlock the Power of Gemstones: A Guide to Crystal Color Meanings

Each crystal has a unique vibration and frequency. This is what makes them so powerful for healing. When you are surrounded by the colors of crystals, their vibrations will begin to influence yours.

The science behind color healing is still being studied, but it is believed that different colors can affect different areas of the body. In this article we will go over healing crystal color meanings, and how to use them to achieve certain results.

What Colors Mean in Crystal Healing

Each color crystal has a specific healing property, and when used in conjunction with other crystals, their properties are amplified. For example, if you are working on cleaning up your emotional baggage and releasing past hurts, you might use rose quartz (pink), amethyst (violet) and clear quartz (white). The pink crystal will help to soothe and calm the emotions, the violet crystal will help to release any old anger or resentment, and the white crystal will amplify both of these energies.

The following is a list of crystals by color plus a brief overview of some of the most common colors used for crystal healing, along with the corresponding chakras, associated planets, and other qualities:

Red Crystal Color Meaning

Crystal Color Meanings - Red Crystals
Crystal Color Meanings – Red Crystals

The color red represents action, drive, energy, sexuality, and vitality. It enhances courage, will-power and daring.

Use to increase vitality and drive.
Do not use it for those who get angry easily, as it can amplify the anger.

Red crystal meaning
: passion, blood, life, love, fire, sexual desire, courage, ambition, aggression, assertiveness.
ChakraRoot Chakra – represents our foundation and feeling of being grounded, and it can help with creativity, sexuality, and will.

Red Crystals and Stones

Ruby, Garnet, Red Jasper, Red Aventurine, Red Tiger Eye, Fire Agates, Red Phantom Quartz.

Red Crystals Properties

Red crystals are often associated with strong emotions such as passion, love, and desire. They are also said to be energizing and stimulating, and can help to increase circulation and metabolism. Some people believe that red crystals can be used to relieve pain and discomfort, and can be beneficial for conditions such as headaches, muscle aches, and arthritis.

Additionally, red crystals are thought to be powerful and can help to boost confidence and self-esteem. They are also said to promote courage and determination, and can be used to help individuals overcome feelings of shyness or insecurity. In general, red crystals are associated with vitality, strength, and passion.

Learn more about red crystals, their properties and benefits.

Orange Crystal Color Meaning

Crystal Color Meanings - Orange Crystals
Crystal Color Meanings – Orange Crystals

The color orange represents personal power, determination, and self-esteem.

Use to overcome insecurity and low self-esteem, and to promote optimism.
Do not use for those who are over confident.

Orange crystal symbolism
: motivation, joy, happiness, optimism, and openness.
ChakraSacral Chakra – is the center of your creative energies and sexual energy, as well as emotions in general. This crystal helps to overcome addictions by bringing these repressed feelings into consciousness so that they can be dealt with properly.

Orange Crystals and Stones

Carnelian, Orange Calcite, Tangerine Quartz, Fire Agate.

Orange Crystals Properties

Orange crystals are often associated with feelings of joy, happiness, and enthusiasm. They are said to be energizing and uplifting, and can help to promote a positive outlook and a sunny disposition. Some people believe that orange crystals can be used to enhance creativity and encourage self-expression, and can be beneficial for individuals who are looking to tap into their artistic talents. In general, orange crystals are associated with vitality, creativity, and happiness.

Learn more about orange crystals, their properties and benefits.

Yellow Crystal Color Meaning

Crystal Color Meanings - Yellow Crystals
Crystal Color Meanings – Yellow Crystals

The color yellow is often associated with the sun and happiness. It is a bright and cheerful color that can be used to increase motivation, energy, and joy. Yellow crystals are also excellent for promoting optimism and openness.

Yellow crystal symbolism: brightness, clarity, cheerfulness, liveliness, optimism.
ChakraSolar Plexus Chakra – this chakra is located in the area of your stomach, just below your rib cage. This crystal helps to boost your self-confidence and willpower, as well as your ability to take action. It is excellent for overcoming inertia and procrastination.

Yellow Crystals and Stones

Amber, Citrine, Tiger’s Eye, Yellow Jasper, Yellow Fluorite, Yellow Topaz are stones that help when faced with difficult challenges by bringing some lightness into the situation and helping to increase intellectual power and creativity.

Yellow Crystals Properties

Yellow crystals are often associated with feelings of happiness, joy, and optimism. They are said to be energizing and uplifting, and can help to promote a positive outlook and a sunny disposition. Some people believe that yellow crystals can be used to enhance mental clarity and focus, and can be beneficial for individuals who are looking to improve their memory or concentration.

Learn more about Yellow Crystals, their meanings, properties and benefits.

Green Crystal Color Meaning

Crystal Color Meanings - Green Crystals
Crystal Color Meanings – Green Crystals

Green is the color of self-nurturing, self-respect and security.

Green crystal meaning: harmony, comfort, prosperity, growth, stability, peacefulness.
Planet: Earth
ChakraHeart Chakra – this crystal helps to open your heart center so you can feel unconditional love for yourself and others. It is excellent for providing emotional support when in need, as well as helping the release of negative emotions such as anger or jealousy.

Green Crystals and Stones

Emerald, Jade, Chrysoprase, Bloodstone, Malachite, Moss Agate, Green Jasper.

Green Crystals Properties

Green crystals are often associated with feelings of harmony, balance, and growth. They are said to be calming and soothing, and can help to promote relaxation and a sense of well-being. Green crystals are also a symbol of money prosperity and abundance.

Learn more about Green Crystals, their meanings, properties and benefits.

Blue Crystal Color Meaning

Crystal Color Meanings - blue Crystals
Crystal Color Meanings – Blue Crystals

The color blue represents truth and honesty. It promotes communication, and understanding. It is soothing and calming of the emotions.

Use the color blue to heal your Throat Chakra and calm the emotions when you’re stressed. Also use it to enhance your communication skills.

Do not use the color blue on those who are emotionally detached or unemotional.

Blue crystal meaning: emotions, intuition, connection, calmness, spirituality.
ChakraThroat Chakra – communication, truth.

Blue Crystals and Stones

Turquoise, Blue Apatite, Blue Kyanite, Blue Lace Agate, Blue Topaz, Blue Chalcedony.

Blue Crystals Properties

Blue is associated with peace, tranquility and calmness, making blue crystals one of the most popular stones for relaxation and healing. On a metaphysical level, blue crystals are said to promote inner healing, increase intuition and help to see the truth in any situation. They can also help to restore balance in the body and cleanse the aura. Blue crystals are also believed to help promote self-expression and communication.

Learn more about Blue crystals, their meanings, properties and benefits.

Indigo Crystal Color Meaning

The color indigo is the deepest of all colors. It’s used to tap into your intuition and clear thinking.

Crystal Color Meanings - Indigo Crystals
Crystal Color Meanings – Indigo Crystals

Indigo resonates with spiritual people, they connect with their soul and spirituality on a deeper level than most other crystal wearers do.

Use this crystal if you’re seeking knowledge or enlightenment.

Don’t use this crystal when you feel overly anxious or nervous.

Indigo crystals bring peace of mind, so it would naturally counteract any anxiety or nervousness that you may have.

Indigo crystal meanings: spirituality, psychic awareness, connection to self and others, calmness.
ChakraThird Eye Chakra – enhanced intuition

Indigo Crystals and Stones

Lapis Lazuli, Azurite, Tanzanite, Iolite, Blue Sapphire, Sodalite.

Indigo Crystals Properties

Indigo crystals are believed to be powerful tools for inner transformation and healing. Symbolically, indigo is associated with spiritual insight and wisdom. On a metaphysical level, indigo crystals can be used to promote inner peace and calmness, allowing for deeper understanding and insight into one’s life path. They can also help to open the Third Eye, allowing one to see beyond the physical world. Indigo crystals can also help to stimulate creativity and intuition, and can be used to promote balance and harmony in all aspects of life.

Learn more about Indigo crystals, their meanings, properties and benefits.

Purple Crystal Color Meaning

Crystal Color Meanings - Violet Crystals
Crystal Color Meanings – Purple Crystals

Purple can help you release negativity, enhance spiritual awareness and open the third eye.

Purple crystal meaning: purification/cleansing, insightfulness, spiritual connection to higher self or guides, harnesses power of spirit for highest good.
PlanetNeptune – enhances psychic abilities
ChakraCrown Chakra – promotes spirituality and clarity of thought

Purple Crystals and Stones

Amethyst, Ametrine, Purple Fluorite, Sugilite, Lepidolite, Iolite, Charoite.

Purple Crystals Properties

Purple is associated with royalty, luxury and wealth, making purple crystals one of the most popular stones for prosperity and success. On a metaphysical level, purple crystals are said to promote spiritual awareness, intuition and inner wisdom. They can also help to cleanse the aura and open the Third Eye, allowing one to see beyond the physical world. Purple crystals are also believed to help increase self-confidence and self-esteem, and can be used to promote balance and harmony in all aspects of life.

Learn more about Purple crystals, their meanings, properties and benefits.

Pink Crystal Color Meaning

Crystal Color Meanings - Pink Crystals
Crystal Color Meanings – Pink Crystals

The color pink represents unconditional love. It attracts friendship and love. Pink promotes self-love, joy, and peace.

Use the color pink to send love to others and make your love felt. Also use pink to heal emotional trauma or hurt.

What does the pink crystal mean: pink crystals represent self-love, peace and happiness, joy and friendship.
PlanetVenus – love and relationship
ChakraHeart Chakra – promotes harmony among people or situations in your life

Pink Crystals and Stones

Rose Quartz, Rhodochrosite, Kunzite, Morganite.

Pink Crystals Properties

Pink crystals are believed to be powerful stones for love, harmony and peace. Symbolically, pink is associated with feminine energy and compassion, making pink crystals a perfect choice for those seeking balance and calmness. On a metaphysical level, pink crystals can be used to promote self-love and inner healing. They can also help to open the heart chakra and bring in more love and joy into one’s life. Pink crystals are also believed to help increase self-confidence and self-esteem, and can be used to promote balance and harmony in all aspects of life.

Learn more about Pink crystals, their meanings, properties and benefits.

Brown Crystal Color Meaning

Crystal Color Meanings – Brown Crystals

The color brown represents grounding, stability and security.
It is grounding to earth energy. Promotes belonging in a community or group of people. You also belong with yourself on the physical level as well as emotionally and spiritually too! You feel comfortable within your own body because you are connected to Mother Earth (Gaia).

Brown crystal meaning: grounding, stability, security, safety home & family; connecting; nature lover.
PlanetSaturn – practicality & responsibility
Chakra: Root Chakra – sense of belonging physically and energetically which can lead to happiness and prosperity.

Brown Crystals and Stones

Smoky Quartz, Aragonite, Brown Agate.

Brown Crystals Properties

Brown crystals are believed to be powerful stones for grounding and stability. Symbolically, brown is associated with the Earth and nature, making brown crystals a great choice for those seeking peace and balance. On a metaphysical level, brown crystals can be used to promote balance and harmony in all aspects of life. They can also help to increase focus and concentration, and can be used to promote stability and clarity of thought. Brown crystals are also believed to help bring wealth and prosperity, and can help to attract positive energy and abundance into one’s life.

Learn more about Brown crystals, their meanings, properties and benefits.

Black Crystal Color Meaning

Crystal Color Meanings - Black Crystals
Crystal Color Meanings – Black Crystals

Black represents grounding, protection and self-discipline.

Use black when you feel the need for grounding and protection.

Do not use black when you feel negative.

Black crystal meaning: power, occult, the unknown or unseen, protection, grounding, introspection.

PlanetsPluto – transformational power of the underworld.

Chakra: Root chakra – sense of belonging physically and energetically which can lead to happiness and prosperity.

Black Crystals and Stones

Black Tourmaline, Jet, Obsidian, Onyx.

Black Crystals Properties

Black crystals are believed to be powerful stones for protection and transformation. Symbolically, black is associated with strength, power and courage, making black crystals a great choice for those seeking protection from negative energies. On a metaphysical level, black crystals can be used to promote inner strength and courage, allowing one to take on new challenges with confidence. They can also help to protect against negative energies, and can be used to promote balance and harmony in all aspects of life. Black crystals are also believed to help increase focus and concentration, and can be used to promote clarity and insight.

Learn more about Black crystals, their meanings, properties and benefits.

Clear Crystal Color Meaning

Crystal Color Meanings - Clear Crystals
Crystal Color Meanings – Clear Crystals

Clear crystals and stones represent cleansing, purification and spiritual growth.
Use clear stones or crystals when you want to create order out of chaos in your life.

Clear quartz is an excellent stone for this purpose because it absorbs all colors of the visible spectrum & releases them as white light or higher frequencies – therefore amplifying energy and releasing blocked parts of your chakra system. Clear crystals have a high vibration rate and their energetic resonance has been used for centuries in spiritual practice such as meditation and ritual magic.

Clear crystal meanings: purity, clarity, truth and higher guidance.
PlanetsMoon & Uranus (transforms negative into positive).
Chakra: all chakras – Clear stones amplify the energy of each of the chakras.

Clear Crystals and Stones

Clear Quartz, Selenite, Herkimer Diamond, Moonstone.

Clear Crystals Properties

Clear crystals are believed to be powerful stones for clarity and focus. Clear crystals are associated with the divine and the spiritual, making them a great choice for those seeking spiritual guidance and clarity. On a metaphysical level, clear crystals can be used to promote clarity of thought and higher consciousness. They can also help to cleanse the aura and open the Third Eye, allowing one to see beyond the physical world. Clear crystals are also believed to help increase intuition and spiritual connection, and can be used to promote balance and harmony in all aspects of life.

Learn more about white and Clear Crystals, their meanings, properties and benefits.

How Does Crystal Color Therapy Works

Color healing is a form of alternative medicine that uses the effects of colors to heal. It is an ancient art, with roots in both Eastern and Western traditions. The use of crystals can be traced back as far as 10,000 BC. Crystals were believed to be “living minerals” that have the power to transform energy into matter by absorbing it from their environment and redirecting its frequency towards something else through resonance vibrations.

A crystal can give off different colors depending on its origin and composition. Crystals differ in their chemical composition and can filter certain parts of the light spectrum to absorb or reflect certain colors. Thus a red crystal, for example, can act as a kind of “battery” to hold red light subtle energies. The crystal will then radiate the energy of this color.

Crystal color therapy acts to heal and balance the energy centers or chakras, by radiating the corresponding color, thus aligning, energizing and unblocking the free flow of energy through each chakra.

The healing crystal properties are the same for any crystal, but colored crystals have an added energetic effect because they correspond to certain energies or chakras of the body. Colored crystals have different crystal color meanings. Each color has a specific meaning that it adds beyond what each stone normally does by itself. Just like all stones except clear quartz will hold energy, so do these faceted ones which amplify their own natural energy field exponentially.

How to Use Crystals for Color Therapy

Pick the crystal or stones that correspond to the color you want to work with. Different colors have different effects, so it is best to use a crystal or stones that are specifically associated with the outcome you desire.

Place the crystals around your body in an area where they will be most effective. Some people like to wear them as jewelry, while others place them on their chakras or other areas of the body.

Visualize and feel the desired outcome. When using color therapy with crystals, it is important to visualize and feel what you want to achieve. See yourself healed and happy, surrounded by the energy of the chosen crystal color.

The Effects of Color on Our Emotions and Well-Being

It is a well-known fact that certain colors can affect our moods and emotions. Many scientific research papers indicate that certain colors can affect our emotional and physical well being. Colored crystals in particular can have a significant effect on our emotions and general well-being.

There is a crystal for every color of the rainbow, and each crystal vibrates with a unique energy frequency. When you work with crystals of a certain color, you are tapping into that crystal’s specific vibration and its associated benefits on your emotions and well-being. Thus understanding crystal color meanings is essential to helping you choose the right crystal for your needs.

Crystal Color and the Chakras

The visible light spectrum is composed of seven colors, each color has its own frequency and wavelength. The different colors of the spectrum correspond to the seven chakras. Each color has a certain energy vibration that corresponds to one of the chakras.

The crystal color you choose to work with in crystal healing should match the chakra which needs balancing. If a chakra is blocked or out of balance, it will affect the organs and body parts which correspond to that specific Chakra.

By working with crystals by their chakra color, they can help affect different parts of the body or emotions. For example, using green stones for heart or solar plexus problems; pink stones for second (sacral) chakra issues; purple/violet stones are great for third (solar plexus) chakras … etc.

The Benefits of Using Crystals by Color

There are many reasons why it is beneficial to use crystals by color. Here are just a few:

  • When we align our energies with the color vibrations of specific crystals, we can experience their properties firsthand.
  • Each crystal has an optimal way in which it should be used. By using crystals by color, you can more easily tap into their individual benefits.
  • Working with crystals by color allows us to focus on one particular type of healing at a time. This can be especially beneficial if you are new to crystal healing and want to start out slowly.
  • The colors of the crystals correspond with the seven chakras, or energy centers, in our bodies. When we utilize crystals by color, we are able to directly influence these areas and bring about balance and harmony.


As we have seen, color can play an important role in crystal healing. By learning the crystal color meanings, and using crystals by their color, we are able to focus on one specific area of our well-being at a time. Working with the different natural crystal colors allows us to explore all types of crystal benefits and learn how each individual stone affects us physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.


Last Updated on December 20, 2022

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